Elite Fertility

What to Expect After Egg Donation

Learn more about what to expect after egg donation

Are you wondering what to expect after egg donation? You aren’t alone. Many women have this question when they visit our Southern California egg donation agency. Egg donor recovery is usually a quick and easy process, as the egg retrieval is a minimally invasive procedure. You can also take steps to enhance the egg donor recovery process.

What to expect after egg donation

Our Southern California egg donation agency often hears the same questions from egg donors. The answers to these questions can help you learn what to expect after egg donation and during recovery.

How long do I need to rest? You will need to sleep and recover on the day of the retrieval. That means no work, taking care of kids or traveling.

How hard is the recovery? Recovery after egg donation is usually simple. On the day of the egg retrieval, you should expect some cramping, bloating and occasionally, spotting. These symptoms should be gone within a week of the procedure.

How can I manage the side effects of egg retrieval? Often, over-the-counter pain medication can handle most of the discomfort, but many fertility doctors will provide a prescription for pain medication.

When can I donate again? You should have at least two periods between egg donation cycles.

When can I exercise? This can vary but it is usually suggested to wait until your first period after the egg retrieval which will be about 2 weeks. You should also follow the instructions from your fertility doctor.

When can I expect my period and go back on birth control? You should get a period about two weeks after the procedure, and then you can resume your previous form of birth control.

Egg donor recovery tips

In addition to helping women understand what to expect after egg donation, we feel it’s important to share the ways you can foster a speedy recovery.

Eat fiber-rich foods and take stool softeners. Avoid the potential post-retrieval side effect of constipation by eating foods high in fiber, such as almonds, lentils and avocados. About a week after you start the stimulation injections, start taking oral magnesium (over the counter) one to two times each day to help prevent potential constipation. Also, ask your fertility doctor whether he or she recommends a stool softener for additional relief.

Drink electrolyte-filled fluids. Drinking about 1-2 liters of electrolyte-rich fluids a day can help minimize bloating, constipation and the rare side effect of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Coconut water and Gatorade are best. It is helpful to start drinking these fluids about one week before the procedure. Minimize your regular water intake as this can actually make you feel more bloated.

Reach out if you have concerns. While an egg retrieval has few risks, let your fertility doctor know if you experience any symptoms that concern you.

Go to your follow-up appointment. Your fertility clinic will likely schedule a follow-up appointment a week after your egg retrieval. It’s important to attend this visit, as it allows the fertility doctor to confirm that your body is getting back to normal. Your doctor will also give you instructions for returning to regular activity and exercise.

A top priority for the team at our Southern California egg donation agency is helping you have a healthy and fulfilling egg donation cycle and recovery experience.

Learn more about egg donation

Egg donation is a rewarding journey that allows you to help hopeful parents welcome a baby into their lives. If you’re interested in becoming an egg donor, our staff can help you get started. Contact us for more information about what to expect after egg donation.